5 Best Unlimited Shared Hosting Package 2017 Malaysia

Here are the comparison of Malaysian Web Hosting company that offers the Best Unlimited Shared Hosting 2015 package, just a month to 2015 though. We will focus on the package's offer for Linux Shared Hosting category as the most popular among web publishers. We will make comparison for their standard specifications; the Storage Space, Monthly Bandwidth, cPanel, Addon Domains, Parked Domains, MySQL Databases, Email Accounts, Free Domain (as standard for Unlimited package), other standard packages and the price for 1 year. Let see which web hosting provide the best offer with annual subscription at RM450 or cheaper.. and we start from not so cheap offer.. if you know some more better, please update us.
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1. GB Network

updated Sept 2017

Now they upgrade all of their hosting to use SSD.. great..!!
I found this an another local IT company based in Cyberjaya with attractive packages of hostings. What makes me attracted are their comparable of specification offered at very affordable price, especially on their Shared Hosting packages.

There are 4 packages offered for Linux Shared Hosting:

Package - Price (1 Year)
White : 5GB SSD disk, 200GB d.t., 3 Addon - RM80
Silver Hot deal: 10GB SSD disk, 300GB d.t., 5 Addon - RM120
Bronze : 25GB SSD disk, 400GB d.t., 10 Addon - RM220
Gold : ↓
  • Storage Space: 50 GB SSD disk space
  • Monthly Bandwidth: 500 GB
  • Addon Domains: 20
  • Parked Domains: Yes
  • MySQL Databases: Unlimited
  • Email Accounts: Unlimited
  • FTP Accounts: Yes
  • Setup: Free
  • Domain: need to buy separate at RM45*
- RM380 winner..!!
I personally choose this packages as the best so far for Unlimited Shared Hosting packages available under RM450. Even though it's not the cheapest in the list, compared to ShiftServer (No. 6 below), but the package spec seems better with bigger Storage & Bandwidth for data hunger requirement.

image shown above is from our own screenshot, old offer (no SSD), but now in their website they mention SSD disk space..

The only con (for me) is no Free Domain offered. However they promise domains (.com & .net) at fixed RM45 per year compared some other hosting company that offer and show the price of 5 years without clearly mention the offered rate is for 5 years, no 1 year, which first time customers might trapped with that 'kind of trick', when they order for 1 year subscription and realise the actual price are higher. Being more worst, when the hosting company likely to change the domain price on the next renewal. With GB Network, I have personally asking their online support related to these things and they confirmed and guarantee no price changes on the next renewal (at least for next 5 years hopefully).

Besides that they don't charge GST..!! what does it means..? Theoretically, I assume that there are not many websites sharing the server in their shared hosting packages, as many webhosting company do, they clog up many websites in 'a shared server' to save budget, when a 'neighbour website' pull the resources to the max, it effected ours end up made our website down. This is disaster to the customer. So hopefully no heavy burden on the CPU & RAM for any shared hosting offered, aspect smooth operation, if my assumption are correct :)
. . .

2. Sempoi Hosting

updated Feb 2017


This catchy name Sempoi (simply easy / take it easy - I don't know the exact translation lol) Hosting is really 'sempoi', they offer 3 packages for shared hosting and all the packages featured Unlimited for addon & parked domains, FTP and MySQL databases. The differ among these 3 packages offered are the storage space and the monthly bandwidth.

Package - Price (1 Year)
Flexible : 10 MB - 150 MB - start from RM9
eXtra : 1 GB - 5 GB - start from RM150
Super eXtra : ↓
  • Storage Space: 10 GB
  • Monthly Bandwidth: 100 GB
  • Addon Domains: Unlimited
  • Parked Domains: Unlimited
  • MySQL Databases: Unlimited
  • Email Accounts: Yes (but quota not mention)
  • FTP Accounts: Unlimited
  • Setup: Free
  • Domain: 1 Free
- RM500
My comment, they presents the packages clearly and 'sempoily' easy to read and to make comparison, but the Super eXtra package price not really 'sempoi' for me. But I think Sempoi Hosting perfect for beginners with small requirements because they offer flexible packages as low as RM9 yearly

At RM500 for Sempoi Hosting for the Unlimited package make it a bit expensive to NetKL, as I personally benchmarked RM450 as the average.. below is better.

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3. Net KL

updated Feb 2017


Net KL offers 6 packages of Shared Hosting in their site:

Note: These are updates from previous NetKL packages, Beginners with X (for eXtended packages) were updated with increased MB & GB storages while they maintain the price.

Package - Price (1 Year)
mySilver X: 500 MB (prv. 400MB) - RM60 beginner package (bp)
myGold X: 2 GB (prv. 1.5GB) - RM100 bp
myPlatinum X: 10 GB (prv. 3GB) - RM200 bp
Small Biz X: 4 GB - RM250 advance package (ap)
Medium Biz X: 5 GB - RM350 ap
Large Biz X: ↓
  • Storage Space: 10 GB
  • Monthly Bandwidth: 110 GB
  • Addon Domains: Unlimited
  • Parked Domains: Unlimited
  • MySQL Databases: Unlimited
  • Email Accounts: Unlimited
  • FTP Accounts: Unlimited
  • Setup: Free
  • Domain: 1 Free (.com, .net, .org, .biz, .info, .name only)
  • Optional: WHOIS ID Protection RM10/year
- RM450 ap
Unlimited Bandwidth X: 500GB, all unlimited - RM650 ap - New !!

My comment, they arrange all their 6 packages offered from top to bottom, not side by side, so visitors have to scroll up-down, up-down to compare among all the packages. And they use small text for the package's specification make it a bit hard to point out some specs randomly. But the good point is more packages offered are always better, you just need time to read and scroll ;)

Well, NetKL set RM450 and it's considered average price for current Unlimited Hosting package, lets see others..

The above info (grayed color) and the image on the right considered expired since they updated their website with nice looking package's presentation to be in better layout and easy to compare, see their Beginner Packages & Advance Packages..

As you can see, the add 1 more package in Advance package, the Unlimited Bandwith X, with 500GB storage and unlimited all features at RM650 per year.

Here is their new packages in 1 image, see easy to read and make comparison, unlike their old style of packages presentation that hard to read here..

If you notice, one good thing about NetKL shared hosting packages are, all of their packages inclusive Free Domain, great..!!
. . .

4. Jom Hosting

updated Feb 2017

Jom Hosting is an another new local Web Hosting provider since 2007. They have variety of packages from as small as 100MB (now they start with) 1GB storage to 'Unlimited' package hosting offered. They claimed that they're the cheapest hosting packages in Malaysia, the 100MB at RM10 per year. Frankly speaking, today 100MB is like nothing for many of us. I've to grey out these text coz they have updated their package with 1GB storage as their starter shared hosting package.. and no more 100MB & 500MB packages as before. Also they updated the price accordingly.. Lets look at their 'Powerful Shared Hosting' for beginners and 'Professional Biz Hosting' (as they named it) for power hunger users..

Package - Price (1 Year)
[Powerful Shared Hosting]
Mini 500 : 500 MB no more - RM25
MiniPackage : 1GB storage, 10GB data transfer  - RM25
Web2GB : 2GB, 50GB data, No domain, No Addon - RM50
Web5GB : 5GB, 100GB data, No domain, 10 Addon - RM90
Web10GB : ↓
  • Storage Space: 10GB
  • Monthly Data Transfer: 300GB
  • Email Accounts: Unlimited
  • Free Domain: 1
  • Addon Domains: Unlimited
- RM190 recommended
[Professional Biz Hosting]
Biz 30GB : 30GB, Unmetered data, 1 Domain & 1 Addon - RM250
Biz 100GB : 100 GB, Unmetered, 1 Domain & 5 Addon - RM300
Biz 300GB : ↓
  • Storage Space: 300GB
  • Monthly Bandwidth: Unmetered
  • Email Accounts: Unlimited
  • Free Domain: 1
  • Addon Domains: Unlimited 10
- RM450 recommended
Biz Unlimited : 'Unlimited' for all features - RM590 (new Unlimited package)

Powerful Share Hosting
(Outdated) My comment, Jom Hosting offers variety of good packages, but they presents their products like old fashion website. Its nothing wrong with it, I just prefer if they could presents their products much better, nicer tables layout and responsive too.

Professional Biz Hosting
I've seen their new redesign website and they changed their old website from standard html to a new up-to-date php site and they presents their website in clean & nice looking than before [Like]..

(Outdated) Another thing, the 'Business Hosting' packages offered, as they mentioned were 'Premium Business Server' which are the 'Server Not Oversell'. Means (if I'm not mistaken), its not like 'Shared Hosting' which consists of many or too many accounts per server that might caused data (bandwidth) overload, power (CPU) & memory (RAM) overload and will end up with 'Internal Server Error' occurs on our website.. So they provide 'Business Hosting' to be something like limited accounts (for their clients) per server to maintain the server & client's website to be always reliable.
And they offer new package in Business Hosting with Biz Unlimited at RM590 /year.

Seems pretty good offer from Jom Hosting, both from the (standard) Shared Hosting, the Web 10GB at RM190 as budget package with Free Domain & Unlimited Addon Domain. Only the Storage seems small for 'unlimited' domain. For as starting, I do recommend this Web 10GB.

While the Pro Biz Hosting seems good when they offer all are Unmetered Data Transfer, but not all got Free Domain. The Free Domain starts from RM300 package, with 5 Addons. If you spend another extra RM290 (for RM590 package) you got 'fully unlimited' package.. so the choice is yours :)
. . .

5. Exabytes

Claimed to best selection by Malaysian top web publishers (sorry cannot remember where I read it), this hosting provider is quite active with programs from competition to seminars, talk related to IT industries for you as web players, (if you're one of the community). Sometimes they give free movie tickets to their customers (like me), but depends on 'first claim first serve' ← (can say like that?) via email to their facebook.

Package - Price (1 Year)
EBiz Plus : 10 GB - RM269
EBiz Gold : 300 GB - RM399
EBiz Gold Unlimited : ↓
  • Storage Space: Unlimited
  • Monthly Bandwidth: Unlimited
  • Addon Domains: Unlimited
  • Parked Domains: Unlimited
  • MySQL Databases: Unlimited
  • Email Accounts: Unlimited
  • FTP Accounts: Yes (but qty not mentioned)
  • Setup: Free
  • Domain: 1 Free
  • Dedicated IP: Yes
  • SSL Install + RM95 Setup + SSL Cost
  • 100 Days Full Money Back Guarantee
- RM449 recommended
Ok here Exabytes EBiz Gold Unlimited package offered +/- same price with NetKL's LargeBiz package, but obviously the specs by Exabytes much better with 'unlimited', while NetKL Large Biz limited to 10GB storage and 110GB bandwidth (my hosted website personally needs more than 200GB bandwidth at specific peak time).

So the Exabytes EBiz Gold Unlimited (EGU) should be compared to iViperHost Enterprise package (below). Obviously Enterprise attractive offer with +/- RM150 cheaper than EGU. Looking into detail specs by specs, I can see little differ, where:

  • EGU offer 100 days Money Back Guarantee, while Enterprise offer 30 days
  • EGU provide Dedicated IP, while Enterprise need to buy +RM100 as optional, (so it will cost RM460 in total).
  • Exabytes do not offer monthly payment, while iViperHost do offer monthly payment
  • update - Exabytes offer 3 packages in this class, while iViperHost offer 4 packages (as discussed above).. still iViperHost's outperform Exabytes packages (on average) in this category.
Personally, as I'm one of their client, I would like to share some thought bout exabytes..
- Well they're reliable, ticket supports are effective, but.. (read Con point below as the continue)
- They call you direct to your mobile when your subscription near to expire, like a week more, or tomorrow.. ahahaa. Of course they send email reminders few times from 60 days in advance.
- They always organise competitions for their clients with lucrative prizes.. but I never win once.. I guess they only choose those who make early payments.. I always made last minute.. lol.
- Their affiliates program is among the best offered I can see.
- The support tickets not as fast as I'm expecting, perhaps bcoz they still depends on 9 to 5 working hours.. I thought 24/7 as it suppose to be for hosting provider, (or I was wrong?).
- I've once twit them for a fast respond when I cannot wait for the 'support tickets guy' to respond for my urgent problem. But the twitter guy take much longer to respond, more than 2 or 3 days (i cannot remember). I suggest there should be a team to works (by shift) on social medias 24 hrs a day, especially for immediate supports if anything happens.

Anyway I've been almost 5 years with exabytes EBiz Gold Unlimited.. and the hosting package has generate half of my total income, as I post earlier in Cara Blogger Jana Income Melalui Web Hosting.
. . .

6. iViperHost

At first, I tried to pronounce the name by the logo design, to me it's a bit confuse to pronounce via the logo. I thought its IV (4, four) I, or ivi (ee vee) per host. Ahaha sorry iViperhost, i really confuse at first, don't know either the name itself is confusing to pronounce or the logo was failed to represent the company on how to pronounce.

They officially changed their name & logo to..


and I like that :) it looks much better than iviperhost version..

Anyway, some users say good review about them so lets see their shared hosting packages offer..

Package - Price (1 Year)
Starter : update - 6GB storage .. 20GB no more - RM72 or RM6 /month
Basic : update - 12GB storage .. 50GB no more - RM180 or RM15 /month
update - Pro : Unlimited this offer was no more - RM240 this offer was no more
Enterprise : ↓
  • Storage: update - 30GB .. Unlimited no more
  • Monthly Bandwidth: update - 300GB .. Unlimited no more
  • Addon Domains: Unlimited
  • Parked Domains: Unlimited
  • MySQL Databases: Unlimited
  • Email Accounts: Unlimited
  • FTP Accounts: Unlimited
  • Setup: Free
  • Domain: 1 Free
  • Cloud Linux
  • Dedicated IP + RM100 (1year optional)
  • SSL Install + RM140 (1 year optional)
  • 30 Day Money Back
- RM360
Simple & professional looking packages shown in 1 page, clean and easy to read. Best of all they offer almost all features are UNLIMITED (its still has limit when it's under 'Shared Hosting' category anyway). Previously they separated the 'TechSpec' or their Plan Details behind a button link and I could find the Plan Details. Now seems they show all the TechSpec or the Plan Details in the same page, under the Web Hosting Package, so it's easier for us, no need to find detail's link anymore.

A good price at RM360 per year for iViperHost Unlimited Hosting package make me bookmarked it ☺ See iViperHost Promo of The Month.

Update 2016 April -
IViperhost was recently updates their packages, as you can see above, as summary:

  • Starter Package reduced from 20GB to 6GB only,
  • Basic Package reduced from 50GB to 12GB only,
  • Pro Package was removed,
  • Enterprise Package reduced from 'Unlimited' storage to 30GB & monthly bandwidth to 300GB..
even though they remain their pricing, but these new 'spec reduced offer' not a good news to their existing and future customers who's looking for affordable shared hosting.. and now I'm thinking to find some other new competitive brands for my next project ::sigh::
Update 2016 April -
you can click image at the right side (the old package 2014-2015) and compare it with their new package in their website..

Other Brands

Besides these 5 Hosting Providers above, we look into some another familiar local names offering Linux Shared Hosting. Sadly they do not offer 'Unlimited' package, so we consider these brands as alternative in this category. Also they are out of our benchmark pricing at RM450 per year.

Internet Webhosting

Package - Price (1 Year)
Standard : 10 GB - RM80
Business : 20 GB - RM100
Advance : 40 GB - RM150
Premium : 60 GB - RM200
Supreme : 100 GB - RM300
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Data KL

updated Jan 2018

old logo

New Logo

Package updated - Price (1 Year)
• Data Mini : 5GB, 35GB Data Transfer, 1 Domain

old package  New package
RM90  RM115
• Data Rookie: 10GB  5GB, 25GB DT, 1+1 Domain - RM160  RM125
• Data 1Y : 20GB 10GB, 50GB DT, 1+5 Domain


RM260  RM180
• Data 2Y : 30GB 20GB, 100GB DT, 1+10 Domain
• Data 3Y : 30GB, 150GB DT, 1+15 Domain
RM360  RM280
• DataSuper Y : 35GB, 200GB DT, 1+15 Domain


RM780  RM1,020  (RM85/month)
• Data Corp : 70GB, 250GB DT, 1+25 Domain- RM1,500  RM1,740  (RM145/month)
. . .


Package - Price (1 Year)
Home Basic : 10 GB - RM190
Hpme Standard : 50 GB - RM290
Home Premium : 100 GB - RM390
. . .

IP Server One

Package - Price (1 Year)
Clustered Hosting : 500 GB (Direct Admin)
Maximum files limited 300,000 files
- RM799
SME Hosting : 50 GB (cPanel)
Maximum files limited 100,000 files
- RM399
. . .

iCore Technology

Package - Price (1 Year)
GX10GB : 10 GB - RM99
GX20GB : 20 GB - RM199
GX30GB : 30 GB - RM299
GX Unlimited : Unlimited - RM399
Note: Maximum files limited to 100,000 files, (Exabytes 250,000 files, IP Server One 100,000 files)
. . .

Server Freak

Package - Price (1 Year)
Supreme : 3 GB - RM100
Deluxe : 10 GB - RM180
Elite : 25 GB - RM300
Platinum : 50 GB - RM499
Gold : 100 GB - RM699
. . .


Package - Price (1 Year)
Value II : 100 GB (Direct Admin) - RM398
Budget : 10 GB (Direct Admin / cPanel) - RM234
Basic : 20 GB (cPanel) - RM468
Premium : 30 GB (cPanel) - RM936
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Hopefully these comparison may helps some of us, as I do my own comparison among them. What suits my requirement might not be similar with your requirement. You may try the 'cheap starter' package from any of the above for the 1st. year and upgrade to bigger package later when your traffic increased, the hosting guy sure can help you upgrade, of course, they love your money :)

Please bear in mind, even though they name it Unlimited Hosting, there still be limited number of files for the package since there are 'Shared Hosting'. Meaning, in one server they allocated some numbers of hosting accounts hosted together. So we can enjoy unlimited package in Shared Hosting until the 'server is full', or until your hosting reached the inode limit, but this situation are seldom. Read Exabytes explanation here. Some of the hosting provider did mentioned about the inode limit (in their package) for the unlimited shared hosting package.

If your files (in the hosting server almost) reach the limit, the hosting's CPU and/or Memory (RAM), might be consumed to 100%, meaning the server may freeze or stuck / hang.. caused the situation 'Internal Server Error' occurred and your website can't be accessed. When this happen, you should consider to upgrade your 'shared hosting' to higher level, Dedicated Server or Cloud Hosting, well sounds expensive huh.. ☺


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    1. mama72, mindloading ni under free version - blogger (blogspot).. tapi saya pon ada juga buat komersial website, web komuniti & forum, kami guna exabytes, list No.4 kat atas tu.. platform wordpress utk website2 clients kami..
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      tak laa puan, tak hebat pon sekadar minat & ada kecenderungan ke arah tu aje..

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